Students had a great time at Fantastic Caverns today! We were excited to step into the 60 degree cave with this cold weather. Thank you PTO for providing our students with no cost field trips.
2 months ago, Karen Mefford
Students enjoying time at the park after Fantastic Caverns and Lunch.
stalactites and stalagmites at Fantastic Caverns
stalactites and stalagmites at Fantastic Caverns  that sparkle
stalactites and stalagmites at Fantastic Caverns
stalactites and stalagmites at Fantastic Caverns
stalactites and stalagmites at Fantastic Caverns  with a pool of water
stalactites and stalagmites at Fantastic Caverns
students looking at cave ecosystems with the adventure tour at Fantastic Caverns
Students and staff on tram going into fantastic caverns
students riding on a tram in Fantastic Caverns
Students celebrated Veterans Day by performing a few patriotic songs, and handed out mementos they had made for a veteran. We are proud of the students and we thank the Veterans for their service!
3 months ago, Karen Mefford
Students singing and doing actions for the song "Veterans Day"
Some of the highlights from our PTO sponsored Halloween party and Family Reading/Trunk or Treat. Everyone had a great time with painting Halloween scenes, snacks, dressing up, MadLibs and of course candy! Thank you to all of the PTO parents that came to help with the party and to the staff that put on the Family Reading Night. The kids had a blast!
10 months ago, Davis R-12 School District
Halloween party and Family Reading/Trunk or Treat
Halloween party and Family Reading/Trunk or Treat
Halloween party and Family Reading/Trunk or Treat
Halloween party and Family Reading/Trunk or Treat
Halloween party and Family Reading/Trunk or Treat
Halloween party and Family Reading/Trunk or Treat
Halloween party and Family Reading/Trunk or Treat
Halloween party and Family Reading/Trunk or Treat
Halloween party and Family Reading/Trunk or Treat
Halloween party and Family Reading/Trunk or Treat
Thank you to everyone that attended and volunteered at the Pan Fried Chicken Dinner this past Saturday! A special thanks to Esther Cothern and Cassie Cook for baking the delicious rolls, Zollicker Enterprises for donating propane, and Richard Vaughn (Windsor Sonic) for providing the oil to fry the chicken and cups. We sold around 645 meals and raised $5,034 for the Davis R-12 PTO. The PTO provides us with needed equipment, supplies, 4 meetings throughout the year with meals, teacher appreciation dinner, school shirts and of course FIELD TRIPS!! Thank you PTO!!
10 months ago, Davis R-12 School District
Calling all soon-to-be Kindergarteners and Preschoolers. We will have Kindergarten Roundup on Monday, April 15th. Call to setup a time from 1-4 pm for a screening and paperwork. Preschoolers will be shown around the school and be given information about the program. If you have any questions feel free to call the school at (660) 885-2629.
10 months ago, Davis R-12 School District