Job Opportunities

A close-up photo of a tiger's face with orange and black stripes.

Interested in teaching at the “Home of the Tigers”?

We offer an excellent starting salary, a health benefit, small class size (average 10 students/classroom), supportive parents and great staff.  Applications are available below or at the school office.  You may contact Brenda Vaughn or Karen Mefford for more information at 660-885-2629.  Our school address is 6714 SW Hwy T, Clinton, MO  64735.

We are currently looking for these positions for the 2024-25 school year :

  • After School Care Provider, 3:10 - 6 pm (M-R).

  • Applications can be found below according to the job you are applying for


In order to fill out an application you will have to download the template, fill it out, and email it back to Karen Mefford or print and send the application to the school.